This apartment block (if you can even call it that) is located on Fairlight Street in Mosman Park. It's hard to know exactly what's going on with this site, let alone what exactly it is that they're doing. Or trying to do.
Nothing is listed in Plan WA. Next to nothing in a quick search of Google. The website of Intrinsic Project, who appear to be the developers according to the Town of Mosman Park, show no information on the Fairlight Street Apartments other than a bunch of nice looking photos that could be from anywhere, although most likely their past projects. Just more stuff that's hard to tell.
So why the secrecy? That's what it feels like anyways. I get the impression that they're going to be demolishing this yellow bricked building because it certainly doesn't look anything like the image of the apartments shown in the marketing vision. Maybe it's stalled. Maybe they don't have workers. Maybe they ran out of funds. Who knows.
One thing for sure is that the progress seems very limited when comparing my first photo of the site at the beginning of July to now (November). One of the real estate websites that is trying to sell one or some of the 26 future apartments in this complex, state that construction is due to finish in October 2021. At the time of writing this, it's November 2021 and yep... I think it could be another three years before they could even consider finishing, at the pace they're going.
On a Saturday afternoon in late September, I had asked a young couple walking down a nearby street if they knew whether or not the site had stalled but they told me they'd seen some workers there in the morning.
So yeah umm... who knows. It's certainly hard to say anything positive about this site but yeah.

(November 2021)